Recruitment Down Under: The APSCo Australia Podcast

Mergers and Acquisitions: what buyers and sellers need to know during an economic recession

June 26, 2020 APSCo Australia Season 1 Episode 10

Recruitment Down Under is pleased to welcome special guest Rod Hore. 

Rod is a 40-year veteran of Australian and international IT and corporate advisory organisations and has undertaken mergers and acquisitions mandates, and C-level advisory to multinational and other public and private organisations. 

Rod Hore joins APSCo Australia Managing Director Lesley Horsburgh for a frank discussion on current and forecasted market conditions for recruitment mergers and acquisitions.

According to Rod, the next 9 months will be crucial in determining if recruitment businesses can survive the current economic recession.

Rod explains what sellers need to know, what buyers are looking for and how business owners can determine if the time is right to approach the transaction table.