Recruitment Down Under: The APSCo Australia Podcast

Perspective and Poise: A conversation with Entity Solutions’ Neil Merola

November 30, 2020 APSCo Australia Season 1 Episode 15

Welcome to Recruitment Down Under.

In this episode, Lesley Horsburgh speaks with Neil Merola, CEO of contingent workforce services provider, Entity Solutions.

 Recently celebrating his 8 year anniversary with the business, Neil discusses the maturity and evolution of the Australian contractor market and why he sees our workforce as one of the global leaders.

Today’s podcast beaks into dialogue on compliance, workers' compensation, the impacts of COVID-19 and working from home, plus the all-important findings of Entity Solutions' recent workforce insights survey.

But if there’s just one thing to take away from today’s discussion, it’s Neil’s advice on finding perspective and poise

 Thank you for listening to Recruitment Down Under.